Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dr. Gwendolyn Rees and Clark Memorial United Methodist Church work together to revitalize spiritual life at the College of West Africa

Editor's Note: Dr. Gwendolyn Rees looks to Tennessee Conference Churches for help in collecting hymnals for her high school alma mater, the College of West Africa. We share this letter from Dr. Rees and Clark Memorial United Methodist Church with an introduction by Ruth Moore.

This is an excellent letter from Dr. Rees of Vanderbilt and Clark Memorial UMC It is so inspiring. I was unable to let go of my books until this project came along and I read about the need for books in Africa. I then gathered all my Christian education books, boxed them and added them to the collection. So many children in Liberia have never even SEEN a book, much less own one. I cannot think about all the books that are placed in the garbage in the USA even by churches What a great waste !! I'll bet if clergy and Christian educators would bring books we could send another load to Africa. Books have influenced my faith. Just an idea but might be worth consideration. You really want peace in this world. Then let's share the gospel and the hymns of our faith.
Ruth Moore

Dear friends:

First let me just tell you a little bit about the College of West Africa (CWA) in Monrovia, Liberia. The school was founded by Melville B. Cox , a Methodist missionary.

Melville Cox had a singular determination that mission efforts be established and maintained in Africa. His well-known words, "Though a thousand fall, let not Africa be given up!" were sadly prophetic, for he died very shortly after his arrival in Liberia.

However he had purchased land on which a school was to be built; and in 1839 the College of West Africa was established. CWA is unique because it is the oldest continuously operating school of its type on the continent of Africa. Also another consideration of CWA's uniqueness is that it is actually older than Liberia, which was established as a Republic in 1847!

Support needed for the College of West Africa Here are the items that I feel are essential and that I would love to see go to my old high school Alma Mater, the College of West Africa:

1. Methodists hymnals (150-200)
2. Two pianos (one to use for the devotions in Cox Memorial Auditorium and one for the Sunday services at First Methodist Church, with which CWA is affiliated)
3. Usable portable cassette tape recorders (6” x 9” size recorders)

I can tell you that in my own journey through life, it was God's word, and faith in His word that made the difference between success and failure and even life and death for me. I obtained inspiration and strength many times just from the recollection of phrases from some of the hymns that were sung in the daily morning devotionals at CWA. When you have sung the words to hymns like , "Be strong we are not here to play, to dream to drift; we have hard work to do and loads to lift! Shun not the struggle, face it! 'Tis God's gift, Be strong! Be Strong!" from the 7th through the 12th grades, those words stay with you!

Currently I am working with the help of my church, Clark Memorial UMC to send a second shipment of books to help restore CWA's library. Though my quest for books for the school's library has been quite successful, I am still hoping that Methodist Hymnals and pianos might be included with this book shipment.

Gwendolyn M. Rees, Ph.D.

To donate hymnals or pianos contact Dr. Rees at the above email address


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