Thursday, May 11, 2006

The UMCOR World Hunger/Poverty program is accepting grant pre-screening applications, due June 15.

Priority consideration will be given to projects which exemplify the following principles:

1) The project is geared toward systemic change directed at the root causes of hunger and poverty, and has the potential to expand and/or generate financial or human resources.
2) The project shows collaborative partnership with community organizations and churches, and has the ability to leverage granted funds.
3) The project has strong evaluation components, will provide a model which, if successful, could be replicated elsewhere, and utilize volunteer services.
4) Include a current organizational budget, both income and expenses, for the sponsoring church or agency.

Email me and I can send you more information and an application.

Grace and Peace

Rev. Jason Brock
Dir. Love and Justice,
Disaster Response Coordinator
Tennessee Conference of the United Methodist Church
1110 19th Ave., S.
Nashville, TN 37212
615-695-2753 (office direct)
615-293-8594 (mobile)
615-329-0884 (fax)


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